Since V19 Microsoft has introduced a new posting interface. Depending how you concepted your integration in to a posting routine you might have to refactor your code. Let’s start by looking into what has changed.
What we have now from Microsoft is a codeunit 825
"Sales Post Invoice Events" in this codeunit you can find a
bunch of publishers that will enable you to integrate into a function from
codeunit 80 (for newbies this is the codeunit that handles posting in Sales
transferring Sales Order to a Posted Sales Invoice for example). To integrate
your logic into posting for any new application you are developing you can use
these publishers and find a specific point that suits you the most.
Alternatively, you can implement interface "Invoice Posting" if it
suits you better.
Another change is that the table 49 "Invoice
Post. Buffer" is discontinued. Yap! A little bit about this table,
in general it is a preparation table for the lines in order for them to be
grouped. GL lines are grouped standardly by Line Type, G/L Account, Gen. Bus.
Posting Group, Gen. Prod. Posting Group, VAT Bus. Posting Group, VAT Prod.
Posting Group, Tax Area Code, Tax Group Code, Tax Liable, Use Tax, Dimension
Set ID, Job No., Fixed Asset Line No, Deferral Code and last but not least Additional
Grouping Identifier. And by now you only had this field to use for any
additional grouping that you would need. This of course presented a problem
since there can be many applications modifying this field and that creates a
mess in a posting routine, so it had to be changed let’s see how.
There is a new posting buffer table 55 "Invoice
Posting Buffer" and the major difference is the Primary Key, the
Primary Key has been changed and now it is just one Field "Group ID"
of Type Text and there is a function that builds this primary key called BuildPrimaryKey().
At the end of this function there is a publisher OnAfterPrepareSales(Rec)
which enables you to add your own grouping field value. In order to do this,
you first need to extend the Invoice Posting Buffer table and add your field.
Okay I know too much text. Let’s make it like this, I will
show how to do this by covering two most common requests I had over the years.
Transfer value from the Sales Header to GL Entry and Customer Ledger entry and
Group and transfer Value from the Sales Lines to GL Entry. And I won’t use codeunit
825 "Sales Post Invoice Events" or implement "Invoice
Posting" interface. I will go deep into a fundament. 😊
So, we add fields to Sales Header, Sales Lines, General
Journal Line, Customer Ledger Entry, G/L Entry, Invoice Posting Buffer.
And of course, add it to all related tables Sales Invoice,
Archives with the same ID and TRANSFERFIELDS will do the rest.
You can look for the complete code in my GitHub
repository (Link at the end of the Page).
Ok let’s move on now we need to transfer all those fields
values, so we subscribe to following events.
OnAfterPrepareSales – on Invoice Posting Buffer will
transfer our value to the buffer so we can have a value for the grouping of the
OnAfterBuildPrimaryKey – on Invoice Posting Buffer will add
our value for the grouping in to the Primary Key and the rest will be taken
care of by the standard code.
OnUpdateOnBeforeModify – on Invoice Posting Buffer we use to
sum the values by the group. So, that is why I use “+=” so that the values of
the groups are summed.
OnAfterCopyToGenJnlLine – on Invoice Posting Buffer is used
to transfer the value of the line groups to the General Journal for the
OnAfterCopyGenJnlLineFromSalesHeader – on Gen. Journal Line
is used to take the value from the header field in order to be posted further.
OnAfterCopyGLEntryFromGenJnlLine – on G/L Entry table takes
the values of our fields from the Journal to the G/L Entry.
OnAfterCopyCustLedgerEntryFromGenJnlLine– on Cust. Ledger
Entry table takes the value of our field from the header from the Journal to
the Cust. Ledger Entry.
And let’s review the result:
We create a sales order and fill the values:
Since as you can see in Subscribers above, I used the same
field for grouping and summing, and we should expect to have lines split
additionally in 2 groups 1 for the value of 5 with value 10, in GL Entry, and 1
for the Value of 15 with value 15 since we only have 1. And of course, value
from the header will be transferred as well.
G/L Entry:
Customer Ledger Entry:
I know that this example does not make too much sense from
the accounting perspective but feel free to use it however you like.
GitHub Link - SarkeSrb/NewPosting (
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