Since V19 Microsoft has introduced a new posting interface. Depending how you concepted your integration in to a posting routine you might have to refactor your code. Let’s start by looking into what has changed. What we have now from Microsoft is a codeunit 825 "Sales Post Invoice Events" in this codeunit you can find a bunch of publishers that will enable you to integrate into a function from codeunit 80 (for newbies this is the codeunit that handles posting in Sales transferring Sales Order to a Posted Sales Invoice for example). To integrate your logic into posting for any new application you are developing you can use these publishers and find a specific point that suits you the most. Alternatively, you can implement interface "Invoice Posting" if it suits you better. Another change is that the table 49 "Invoice Post. Buffer" is discontinued. Yap! A little bit about this table, in general it is a preparation table for the lines in order for them...
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